Hnůj vs. hnojivo - voda v krajině


V minulém článku jsem nakousl důležité, ale prozatím nerozebrané téma a tím je voda v krajině. Napsal jsem, a za tím si stojím, že tři čtvrtiny úspěchu zemědělce vždycky závisejí na tom, jestli naprší. Pokud nenaprší, nezachrání to žádné hnojivo. Voda je ten nejdůležitější prvek celého zemědělství a až v posledních letech si teprve společensky začínáme uvědomovat, jak moc jsme na ní závislí. 

Musím začít dvěma postřehy. Jeden je z roku 1980. Tehdy dostalo české zemědělství dlouhodobý stranický úkol. Jmenoval se meliorace. Po česku ležely tisíce hektarů půdy, které byly podmáčené a špatně se na nich hospodařilo. Tož se na to udělala koncepce, otevřely se inženýrské obory vodohospodářů přes meliorace, podniky ACHP dostaly další pracovní čety, na pole vyjely bagry a zakopaly drenážní roury. Čáry máry, desetitisíce hektarů se rázem dostaly do bonitnější kategorie. Vyjeďte si kamkoliv v republice a nikdy nebudete dál jak kilometr od nějakého meliorovaného pole. Inženýři to tenkrát fakt uměli a i po těch třiceti letech to funguje jedna báseň. Bažiny jsou fuč, pole oschne během tří dnů. 

A pak se změnilo počasí, skončil určitý cyklus, došlo na globální oteplování, vlastně je úplně jedno, co se stalo, ale najednou začalo na polích sucho. Celkové srážkové úhrny se nezměnily. Pořád nám na to pole spadlo průměrně za rok stejné množství vody. Ale teď je najednou běžné, že měsíc nespadne ani kapka a pak přijdou dvě prudké bouřky. Meliorace zafunguje bezvadně, voda se vsákne a je v potoce... ale nahoře na povrchu je sucho. Deset let se stavěly meliorace a teď se naopak zase budují bažiny. 

A teď druhý postřeh... to, že babička s dědečkem vždycky zalévali vodou ze sudu pod okapem, to má svůj důvod. Dešťová voda je totiž voda živá. Je měkká, jsou v ní spláchnuté živiny z ovzduší, je ohřátá na teplotu vzduchu. Jeden litr dešťovky vydá za deset litrů vody ze studny nebo potoka. Jakmile ve Vidlákově začínají letní parna, mohu zalévat jak chci, ale pokud to není dešťová voda, rostliny se maximálně udrží naživu... nerostou a nerostou, můžete si dělat co chcete. Pak, po měsíci každodenního kropení hadicí přijde jeden deštíček a hup ho, rajčata poskočí o deset centimetrů za noc. 

Takhle je to na světě zařízeno. Bez deště to nejde a proto bychom maximum dešťové vody měli zadržet na poli, případně pod ornicí. Hlavně aby jí do řeky odteklo co nejméně. Samozřejmě máme v republice místa, kde mají spíše opačný problém, ale oblastí sucha je víc a právě těch se týká tento článek. 

Je hodně způsobu. jak to udělat. Od těch nejjednodušších, jako že se orá napříč svahu, aby zimní deště nestekly dolů a vsákly se. Nebo se pole rozdělí mezemi, které se chovají jako hráze a nejen na povrchu. Taková kvalitní mez je prokořeněná klidně do dvoumetrové hloubky, je uhutněná (ne není nakypřená od přirozenosti či permakultury, je to rostlá zem a jako taková udrží vodu) a pole se může chovat vlastně jako bazén. Od podzima do jara, všechna voda tam zůstane. 

Dalším moc pěkným způsobem je rybníkářství. Jen v Čechách bylo ve středověku osmdesát tisíc rybníků. Dneska je jich sotva čtvrtina. Takový rybník byl zpravidla tam někde mezi terénními vlnami, kam se zasakovala voda a kde vždycky spíš bylo rákosí a bahno. Zem sice úrodná, ale podmáčená a tedy bez živin, které voda vyplavuje. Ostatně to tak funguje i dnes,objeďte si okres po dešti a uvidíte, kolik přirozených rybníčků vytváří jen ohyb silnice, který brání vodě se rozlít.  Akorát pro komunikace je to nežádoucí a vždycky se tam někde najde betonová roura. 

Rybník nejenže chladí krajinu, ale také zadrží neuvěřitelné množství vody. Nejde jen o to, co je v nádrži, ale v obrovské ploše kolem rybníka je spodní voda a ta svrchní se opírá o její protitlak a tak na okolních polích zase zůstane mnohem více dešťové vody než jinde. Podzemní voda samozřejmě vzlíná v kapilárách nahoru a tak ještě dva metry nad hladinou rybníka je půda vlhčí.

Ovšem postavit rybník, to je poměrně náročná akce. Hráz potřebuje svoje parametry, musí se navozit stovky a tisíce kubíků hlíny, upěchovat, starat se, pracovat na tom, dohlížet na okolní zemědělce, aby hnojili podle pravidel a také podle pravidel používali chemii, jinak nemáte rybník s rybami, ale mrtvou záchytnou jímku na jedy. Evropská unie na to vypsala dotace a leckteří drobní zemědělci se toho chytli a rybníky nastavěli. I na naší jihomoravské polopoušti vzniklo hodně rybníků a světe div se, je v nich i voda a ryby. Prostě voda tu je, je jí víc, než by se řeklo, jen ji udržet. 

A samozřejmě dotace od EU je pro ty malé hospodáře, což je sice šlechetné, ale v rámci hospodaření s vodou dost krátkozraké. Ano, máme hodně malých rybníčků s různými majiteli, ale výnos z nich je nevalný. Nepokryje ani náklady na provoz a jakmile dotace skončí, majitelé nezvládnou ani udržovat hráze. Dříve nebo později se to protrhne a bude po rybníčku, protože na to nikdo nebude mít. 

I v tom temném středověku věděli, že rybníky se musejí budovat v soustavách a musí se to dělat ve velkém s velkým kapitálem i jinými zdroji. Pak se takové podnikání může vyplatit a vydělat na investice i údržbu. Objem roste se třetí mocninou a tak dvojnásobně velký rybník dá osminásobek vody... i ryb. Ovšem investice jsou to opět ve stamilionech a miliardách. Navíc jde o přetváření krajiny a tam do toho kecá tolik lidí i organizací, že za posledních třicet let vznikly vlastně jen soukromé louže a i ty tu budou jen dokud bude EU platit. Opravit hráz na hektarovém rybníčku, to jsou statisíce korun. Který drobný vlastník je má? Těch pár kaprů co prodá mu to nepokryje. 

Jo, to chce opět spojit vlastníky vodních děl, správce povodí, rybářské a rekreační svazy, obce, města, soukromé podniky... pak by to mělo úspěch. Ale kdo se o něco podobného naposled pokusil?  Věřím, že ekologům se to líbí, nefiguruje v tom žádný zlý Babiš, ale až celý dotační program skončí, skončí také všechny tyto pokusy o vodu v krajině. 

Já Vidlák mám ohledně vody také svůj dlouhodobý cíl. Prozatím orám zahrádku napříč svahem, ale předpokládám do budoucna, že budu mít pod dvorkem nádrže o takové kapacitě, abych všechnu vodu ze střech zadržel a vykropil na rostlinky. Nikdy se mi ta investice nevrátí. Kdybych kropil pitnou vodou, bylo by to levnější. Ale po pitné vodě nic nevyroste...  

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I have tried sending you a message via your website but I got an auto response saying it was not delivered for some bizarre reason, so here goes again!

As mentioned in my previous message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on UK and EU vape laws. I used to work for a vape shop in London some time ago and I have picked up quite some knowledge on the TPD laws. I have also talked about the vape laws in some other European countries (the ones I am knowledgeable about at least).

I have saved the article in a word document on my G-Drive which you can access from here:…

Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references to substantiate the article and back up some claims with personal anecdotes. I am sorry but I did not have the time to get any images so it would be great if you could add some that you deem appropriate.

Just in case you want to add a bio to the article, I have cobbled together this blurb about myself.

Tony is a vaping enthusiast who is currently vaping Blueberry Donut by Marina Vape. Tony used to work for a vape shop based in Shoreditch, London. He enjoys attending vape expos and spending quality time with his wife Melinda, three kids and two dogs in the rural settings of Kent.

I will write up a few more articles as and when I get some downtime at work - it is crazy busy after the festive season!

Have an awesome day!


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Do you run an e-liquid company or a vape wholesale or distribution business? Are you tired of hitting the wall with your marketing efforts? Would you like to start exploding your sales with a click of a button? Let us now share with you the secret sauce that has powered some of the biggest e-juice brands from around the world: The Global Vape Shop Email List!

Global Vape Shop Database and Vape Store Email List


The Global Vape Shop Email List is an Excel spreadsheet containing vape shop contact details. The spreadsheet comes with many tabs for different countries and each tab contains the vape shop contact details for that respective country.

The Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop names, emails, websites, telephone numbers, locations and store addresses, social media links and much more! Our database has around 15,000 vape shops but this number is approximate because the vape shop numbers fluctuate following updates.

Learn more at

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I am reaching out to you to see whether you would be interested in some of my freelance vape marketing and seo services?

I mostly specialise in backlink creation and lead generation for vape companies. I have worked with over 20 vape companies over the past year and have gotten them pretty good results.

All of my services are very cheap as I am freelancing on a full-time basis now.

You can view and purchase all of my services on

I spend most of my time on Fiverr so please write to me there :)

Kind regards


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Hi guys

I am writing to quickly introduce you to my cool vape SEO packages that are aimed at helping vape shops, e-liquid brands and other related sites rank on Google and Bing!

I have been working with 30 online vape shops since 2012 when they all started very small and I have helped them all to grow to 7 figure businesses! Unlike other freelancers who churn out volume without much regard for the long-term success of their clients, I prefer to join my clients for the long haul. I currently have a bit more capacity which is why I am reaching out to see whether you would be interested in any of my packages.

In essence, I can promote your vape site on 10,000 quality forums, build mega powerful vape blog backlinks and do a bit of guest posting, blog commenting and much more.

It would be easier if you could view my profile at Everything is there and it will save me the time from duplicating.

If you like what you see, feel free to order and watch your site grow to the next level!

Have a good one!

I am going back to my Asmodus and Marina Vape e-liquid for a chillout session :)


Mayfair Vaper

P.S. yup, thanks to the success of my 30 clients, I bought a house in Mayfair!

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Good morning

I am looking to build up my B2B email list for newsletter marketing.

I am very keen to get Ivy's B2B Leads Miner - Yellow Pages Scraper Software as it is probably one of the best Yellow Pages scrapers for UK and USA out there.

I was just wondering if you have ever used this particular or any other scrapers before?

Cheers guys!

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I am writing to let you know that the vape company e-mail list has most recently gone through an update. The entire list has been cleaned to get rid of all the abandoned and non resolving domains and inboxes. Additionally, brand-new e-mails were brought in for recently launched vape companies and vape wholesalers and ejuice distribution businesses. The entire list now has around 39,000 e-mails of basically all varieties of vape companies from around the world consisting of vape stores (online and brick-and-mortar), e-juice companies, vape wholesalers and vendors and more.

If you have previously bought the vape business e mail list, you should have gotten the download url to your e mail address with which you have bought the vape company e-mail list.

To read more about the vape company e mail list, feel free to click here. (or as an alternative, use this hyperlink: or just google "The Eliquid Boutique vape company email list")

This vape company list is perfect for e-mail and newsletter ad campaigns and has assisted more than 300 e-liquid brand names and vape wholesalers!

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Hi guys

I am in the midst of starting up my very own little vape shop in Kent and wanted to reach out to you to ask you for some advice as it looks like you have a pretty successful vape business going.

Firstly, I would like to know how to select the best e-liquid wholesaler with a very good e-liquid range. Do let me know if you sell wholesale and if so, it would be great if you could send me across your price list.

I am planning of making my own e-liquid brand and was wondering what is the best way to promote it? I have already purchased an email list of all vape shops and companies as a whole for my newsletter marketing from…

I am also getting a vape SEO company to help me with the website creation.

What else would you recommend I do to make my vape shop a success?

I really appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards


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Hello guys!

I have just opened my own vape company and we are basically making our own e-juice and reselling other juices to vape shops.

I thought that the best way to promote my vape company and get new clients would be through the vape company e-mail list from The Eliquid Boutique UK. I heard from many vape company owners that the vape company email list has helped them to take their business to the next level.

I wanted to ask you whether you have personally used that vape company email list and whether you would recommend it?

I just need some confirmation before I get it.

Thanks for your time!

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I am currently working with some of the biggest vape wholesalers, MOD makers, e-juice brands and vape shops. I am sure that you have heard of them all or seen them at most vape expos. To put it bluntly, I know what works and what doesn't. I now know the vape industry like the back of my hand.

I have taken all the most effective elements of my vape seo equation and lumped them into these incredibly cheap packages, which I would sell for about 10 times the amount I am selling them for here.

I have divided the packages on the basis of the amount of competition you are facing. So here is the breakdown of what exactly you will get with each package:

Mouse (ideal for small local vape shops located in the suburbs):

100 links inside my vape and ejuice blogs
50 bookmarks and social signals

Cat (mid-sized vape companies)

500 backlinks inside vape blogs
250 social bookmarks
promotion on 5,000 forums
Around 10,000 mixed blog comment, PBN and other links to increase your domain authority

Bear (ideal for companies based in large cities)

1500 vapor blog links
500 social bookmarks
Promotion on 10,000 forums
20,000 mixed links
Guest Posts on 5 strong sites
Lots of Extras

To learn more, please visit

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Good morning

I am looking to build up my B2B email list for newsletter marketing.

I am very keen to get Ivy's B2B Leads Miner - Yellow Pages Scraper Software as it is probably one of the best Yellow Pages scrapers for UK and USA out there.

I was just wondering if you have ever used this particular or any other scrapers before?

Cheers guys!

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Good Afternoon

I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr.

Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from

Thank you for your time.

Kind regards


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Do you run an e-liquid company or a vape wholesale or distribution business? Are you tired of hitting the wall with your marketing efforts? Would you like to start exploding your sales with a click of a button? Let us now share with you the secret sauce that has powered some of the biggest e-juice brands from around the world: The Global Vape Shop Email List!

Global Vape Shop Database and Vape Store Email List -


The Global Vape Shop Email List is an Excel spreadsheet containing vape shop contact details. The spreadsheet comes with many tabs for different countries and each tab contains the vape shop contact details for that respective country.

The Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop names, emails, websites, telephone numbers, locations and store addresses, social media links and much more! Our database has around 15,000 vape shops but this number is approximate because the vape shop numbers fluctuate following updates.

Click here to learn more and purchase the database:

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Do you run an e-liquid company or a vape wholesale or distribution business? Are you tired of hitting the wall with your marketing efforts? Would you like to start exploding your sales with a click of a button? Let us now share with you the secret sauce that has powered some of the biggest e-juice brands from around the world: The Global Vape Shop Email List!

Global Vape Shop Database and Vape Store Email List -


The Global Vape Shop Email List is an Excel spreadsheet containing vape shop contact details. The spreadsheet comes with many tabs for different countries and each tab contains the vape shop contact details for that respective country.

The Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop names, emails, websites, telephone numbers, locations and store addresses, social media links and much more! Our database has around 15,000 vape shops but this number is approximate because the vape shop numbers fluctuate following updates.

Click here to learn more and purchase the database:

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Good Afternoon

I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr.

Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from

Thank you for your time.

Kind regards


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I have written a couple of articles on CBD from multiple angles and would love to contribute these articles to your blog.

I have saved the articles on my Google drive which you can access from here:…

I am sorry but I did not have any time to find some good images so it would be fab if you could add some.

Keep up the great work on your site!


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Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including:

vape shop names
telephone numbers
social media links
locations/physical addresses
Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button.

Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry!

Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered:

Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan.


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Good Afternoon

I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr.

Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from

Thank you for your time.

Kind regards


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Hi guys

I am in the midst of starting up my very own little vape shop in Kent and wanted to reach out to you to ask you for some advice as it looks like you have a pretty successful vape business going.

Firstly, I would like to know how to select the best e-liquid wholesaler with a very good e-liquid range. Do let me know if you sell wholesale and if so, it would be great if you could send me across your price list.

I am planning of making my own e-liquid brand and was wondering what is the best way to promote it? I have already purchased an email list of all vape shops and companies as a whole for my newsletter marketing from…

I am also getting a vape SEO company to help me with the website creation.

What else would you recommend I do to make my vape shop a success?

I really appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards


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Our Global Vape Shop Database contains vape shop contact details including:

vape shop names
telephone numbers
social media links
locations/physical addresses
Our Global Vape Shop Database comes in an Excel spreadsheet with vape shop details grouped by country in separate worksheets. You will receive the Global Vape Shop Database in a compressed .rar file. Simply extract the document using Windows .rar or an alternative extractor. These can be downloaded online in a click of a button.

Our Global Vape Shop Database has been going for the past 5 years! Our team regularly attend vape exhibitions and events. They use this as an opportunity to collect vape shop contact details. Most of the vape shop leads are available online. However, finding, verifying and compiling them is a real administrative burden and we tell you that from our 5 year-long experience in this industry!

Our database covers USA, UK, Europe, Russia and CIS, parts of Asia, Australasia and Africa. Here's a non-exhaustive list of countries covered:

Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium , Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece , India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, UK , USA, Uzbekistan.


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Hi guys

I was spoken to someone from your team some time ago about vape marketing.

As promised, I am sending you the link to the digital marketing company that helped to rank my online vape shop:…

I hope this helps!

Have a fab day and see you very soon :)

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Are you looking to make your e-liquid or vape brand a global success? Do you want to see your e-liquid or vape brand inside every shop around the world? Our global vape shop database will connect your vape brand with thousands of vape shops around the world and subsequently, increase your revenues and profit. Our global vape shop database has been compiled manually by our internal team over a long period of time through contacts gained at vape exhibitions and publicly available resources.

Do you ever wonder, how today's big e-juice brands became big? They did what mattered the most- approached vape stores and established a rapport with vape store owners. We see many excellent e-juice brands that still fail or do not do as well as they should, simply because they do not do what matters- SELL THEIR E-JUICE TO VAPE SHOPS! (this should be the ultimate goal of any vape-related business). Our Global Vape Shop Database connects the dots between e-juice brands and the vape shops!


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Are you looking to make your e-liquid or vape brand a global success? Do you want to see your e-liquid or vape brand inside every shop around the world? Our global vape shop database will connect your vape brand with thousands of vape shops around the world and subsequently, increase your revenues and profit. Our global vape shop database has been compiled manually by our internal team over a long period of time through contacts gained at vape exhibitions and publicly available resources.

Do you ever wonder, how today's big e-juice brands became big? They did what mattered the most- approached vape stores and established a rapport with vape store owners. We see many excellent e-juice brands that still fail or do not do as well as they should, simply because they do not do what matters- SELL THEIR E-JUICE TO VAPE SHOPS! (this should be the ultimate goal of any vape-related business). Our Global Vape Shop Database connects the dots between e-juice brands and the vape shops!


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I have noticed that your site has a few links from some quality CBD blogs.

Are you by any means using this CBD SEO backlinks package?…

I am starting out with my CBD gummies site and need to invest in SEO to rank well on Google but I thought I would check in with you first.

I really appreciate your help.


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After many requests from my clients, I have created this monthly backlinks SEO package for CBD and Hemp businesses. Essentially, the premium package contains everything that you will need to rank higher on the search engines, get more visitors and make more sales. I am working with 50 different CBD and Hemp companies and during my digital marketing journey, I have tried and tested almost every strategy under the sun and picked out the bits that work real magic and chucked them all into a dirt cheap package.

Depending on the package that you order, here is what you will receive:

Posts and links on CBD and Hemp blog: these will provide you with contextual and extremely powerful links that will tell the search engines that your site is very popular in this niche which will force the search engines to rank you up!

Promotion of your brand/site on over 10,000 most popular forums in the world: you will receive links, direct traffic to your site and generate brand awareness.

Guest posts: I will post articles on popular sites and add links to your site.

Paid promotions on popular sites.
Social media signals.
Many more extras!

Please send me your website url and up to 100 keywords you would like to rank for on the search engines. Please do not use any separators between keywords and enter one keyword per line please. I will deliver everything as soon as the work is finished.…

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The hemp and CBD industry has grown exponentially over the last few years. CBD products are now gaining mainstream acceptance all over the world. For example, in the UK, you can now freely purchase CBD eliquid, gummies, creams and oils at Holland and Barrett, one of the most popular health food shops. With this popularity of CBD and hemp products, comes the competition between online businesses. Are you looking to rank higher on the major search engines such as Google and Bing? Do you want to get more visitors and generate more sales? We can certainly help you!

Our Hemp and CBD SEO Backlinks Package will help to rank your hemp, cbd or cannabis related site all the way to the top of the search engines. With this SEO package, you will receive a wide variety of backlinks from quality CBD and hemp blogs, forums, guest posts and other quality sites! Boost your visitor counts, sales and online presence!


Having a great CBD or Hemp site is only a part of the equation. However, you need visitors to see your awesome site. In today's digital marketing landscape, Google and other major search engines have started to rank websites with a high domain authority and solid domain metrics. The best way to increase your domain authority and metrics is by building quality backlinks.


1,000 posts on CBD and hemp blogs: this will present you with very powerful and niche-relevant backlinks from very high DA sites ranging from 30 to 70.

10,000 forum posts: we will promote your message on 10,000 most powerful forums in the world. This is an excellent way to start a conversation with people and promote your CBD brand and attract direct visitors to your site! Moreover, this is your opportunity to get backlinks from some of the leading forums in the world!

Guest posts on authority sites: we have an arrangement with some of the leading and most powerful sites on which we will be able to publish guest posts with backlinks pointing to your site.

500 social bookmarks: social bookmarks are a great way of sending social signals to your site which is one of the ranking factors.

Indexing of all backlinks: we will index all of the links with the major search engines.


Search Engine Safe: we use the industry's recommended ratio of naked, keyword, branded and LSI anchor texts to keep everything looking natural to the search engines.

Link Diversity: we create links on many different CMS platforms, domains and IP addresses to keep all the links as diverse as possible.

Drip-Feed Indexing: we will index all the backlinks at a very steady speed to keep everything looking natural to the search engines.


We are currently working with 50 CBD companies on their SEO projects. Here are a few examples of the links we have created for some of our clients.

Click here to view the backlinks created for

Click here to view the backlinks created for


If you like what you see and would like to place an order, here is what you will need to do:

Buy the package

Prepare a list of 50 keywords you would like to rank for on the search engines and send us your website along with your company details including your name, official email, telephone number, company address and other information that you deem relevant.
Please send everything to us via our Facebook page ( We are more responsive on our social media pages.

We will create all your backlinks and will send you reports in about 30 days as this is a monthly package.…

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I am a great fan of CBD and hemp products and I must admit that I know the market inside out.

With this very exclusive service, I will try and honestly review your products on the basis of their presentation, quality (taste: if edible), value for money, branding and so on.

I can review up to 50 products at most.

I am based in the UK, so you would have to ship all the products to my UK address.

I would publish the reviews in a CBD and Hemp lifestyle magazine. I can take pictures of your products and add them next to each product (see extra gig).

Depending on the number of products involved, I would write up around 1,500 to 3,000 words for the entire review. I would optimise the article for SEO and get it to rank for your brand name.

This is by far the most effective way of not only building your brand but also creating goodwill with your prospective clients. Nothing works better than real user reviews free of any corporate bias.

It will take me about a month to complete the review.

The review would be permanent and feature a link to your site.…

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I have a question, i see a lot of items on this site that you also sell in your store.
But there items are 38% cheaper,
well my question is what is the difference between your webshop and theirs,
is it the quality or something else, I hope you can answer my question.


"Sent from my iPhone"

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Hello guys

I do a fair bit of SEO for vape and CBD companies and whilst doing some research, I found I wanted to see whether you would be interested in my vape and CBD backlinks packages? From my years of experience, I have put together an SEO package that is guaranteed to rank your site higher on Google, increase your site traffic and sales. I know it works for a fact because I have ranked 15 vape and CBD companies and they are now my long-term clients. I am trying to expand my client base in order to grow my team and resources further.

Previously, I used to work for an SEO company based here in London. However, after being made redundant, I have decided to work as a freelancer. Right now, I am working with 10 CBD and 5 Vape Brands and have resources to over 2,500 high domain authority sites and resources that I use for guest posting opportunities. I offer my services at a fraction of the price to what bigger agencies charge because I have NO overheads.

You can find me on a freelance site called My username is: infinityvapelab

Do order me or drop me a line if you are interested.

I look forward to working with you and ranking on the search engines :)

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards

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Hello guys

I do a fair bit of SEO for vape and CBD companies and whilst doing some research, I found I wanted to see whether you would be interested in my vape and CBD backlinks packages? From my years of experience, I have put together an SEO package that is guaranteed to rank your site higher on Google, increase your site traffic and sales. I know it works for a fact because I have ranked 15 vape and CBD companies and they are now my long-term clients. I am trying to expand my client base in order to grow my team and resources further.

Previously, I used to work for an SEO company based here in London. However, after being made redundant, I have decided to work as a freelancer. Right now, I am working with 10 CBD and 5 Vape Brands and have resources to over 2,500 high domain authority sites and resources that I use for guest posting opportunities. I offer my services at a fraction of the price to what bigger agencies charge because I have NO overheads.

You can find me on a freelance site called My username is: creativebeartech

Do order me or drop me a line if you are interested.

I look forward to working with you and ranking on the search engines :)

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards

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Dear Friend! How are you? I write to introduce our best vape backlink service. We have big team of professionals from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh who work cheap and do good job with backlinks. You just look at my profile and place order now!…

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Dear Friend! How are you? I write to introduce our best vape backlink service. We have big team of professionals from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh who work cheap and do good job with backlinks. You just look at my profile and place order now!…

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Dear Friend! How are you? I write to introduce our best vape backlink service. We have big team of professionals from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh who work cheap and do good job with backlinks. You just look at my profile and place order now!…

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Vape Club are one of the UK’s leading online retailers of e-cigarettes, e-liquids, and other vaping accessories.

Founded and operated by a team of passionate vapers, Vape Club are proud to offer a virtually unmatched range specially tailored to the wider needs of the vaping community. From beginner kits to complex mods – everything you could ever need can be found here.…

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